Predator Free


Predator-Free Katikati Project launched

Uretara Estuary Managers and Wild about New Zealand are coordinating a community-wide backyard rat trapping programme in Katikati.

We’re starting in the Highfields area and already have over 30 volunteers who have placed secure pet-proof box traps in their backyards. A minimum of 1 backyard in 5 with a trap is needed to make an effective impact on rodent population and we only need another 10 or so to get coverage over the entire residential and adjacent reserve area, said coordinator Janet Price. 

This project is linked to ‘Predator Free Bay of Plenty’ which has support from Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Our local Men’s Shed have also helped after we found that the national supplier of box traps was overwhelmed with orders. Snap traps and other hardware has been provided free to UEM by the Regional Council and this arrangement will continue as the project expands into other areas around Katikati.